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Sunday, 29 July 2012

NotiPad: Jailbreak Tweak Brings Growl-Like Notifications for iPad

NotiPad is a new jailbreak tweak that brings Growl-like Notifications to the iPad.

Andrea Olivia - developer of NotiPad wasn't too happy with iOS banner notifications on the iPad, so he has developed a jailbreak tweak that changes the look and feel of banner notifications along with tons of other features.

You can configure to display the translucent popups either on the right or the left side of the screen and also select the animations (fade, translation) based on your preference via the Settings app.

NotiPad replaces iOS banner notifications with translucent Growl-like popups as seen in the screenshot below.

You can dismiss the popup notifications by double tapping on them (which can be enabled or disabled via the Settings app).

You can also change the look and feel of the notifications such as the style (translucent or dark), background color or text of the notification.

NotiPad can also be configured to read out the notification.


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