If you're not happy with your iPhone's battery life then you should check out BattSaver - a new jailbreak tweak released by developer and hacker - xvolks.
BattSaver promises to double your iPhone's battery life by cleverly managing the components that affect iPhone's battery life such as 3G radio etc.
BattSaver offers the following th features:
Intuitive: with pull to refresh feature
Clever: automatically switches off battery-draining components when unused
Efficient: up to 2 times battery life and more!
Wise: extends battery life time by reducing number of charge cycles
Clear: includes monitoring views to check battery state in real-time!
You also have the option to change the saving strategies from the following options: Normal, Agressive, Ultimate and Custom.
Normal :
All radios are disabled when you turn off the device and back on when you turn it back on, Each 15 minutes it allows BattSaver to wake up radios to get latest email and notifications
Aggressive :
Same as Normal, plus:
Each 45 minutes it allows BattSaver to wake up radios to get latest email and notifications.
It disable Edge if WiFi is connected.
It disable WiFi if no hotspot is detected.
It switches to Ultimate mode if battery is less than 15%.
Ultimate :
It disables all radios when phone is turned off.
It does not enable radios when turn on (it up to you to enable the radio you need manually via SBSettings for example).
It disable Edge if WiFi is connected.
It disable WiFi if no hotspot is detected.
If you're not happy with these options, then you can select the Custom option, which allows you to manage your iPhone's radios based on your usage to improve the battery life.
The jailbreak tweak also offers some interesting details about your iPhone's battery such as the current capacity of your battery, the number of charge cycle counts etc.
Click on the image above to see all the screenshots from the app
BattSaver is available on Cydia for $2.99.
We'll monitor how well it works over the next few days and report back. Please don't forget to tell us how it goes if you install the jailbreak tweak.
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