Apple recently took out an ad for iPhone 4S featuring Siri. Unfortunately, Apple's seems to have goofed up, as in the ad that takes up the glossy back page of the July 7-13 issue of The Economist, Siri wrongly identifies poison oak as poison ivy.
Lena Struwe, associate director of botany and director of the Chrysler Herbarium at Rutgers noticed the misidentification while flipping through the magazine.
Apple's new ad for the iPhone 4s, which took up the glossy back page of the July 7-13 issue of The Economist, shows a hiker asking Siri, "What does poison oak look like?" Know-it-all that she is, Siri pulls up a picture of ominous looking vegetation with the retort "This might answer your question."
Except it doesn't...because that's a picture of poison ivy and not poison oak. Silly robot.
To be fair to Siri, maybe it wasn't her/his/its fault. "I can't tell whether it's Apple, or whether it's the ad agency that created the ad," says Struwe. "You'd think they would have run it by a botanist or a naturalist, but they did not."
Siri identifies the poison oak correctly if you ask the question now, so it is not clear if Apple's ad agency goofed up or there was an issue with Wolfram Alpha, which Siri uses to answer such questions.
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